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Rakhi Mondal
Jul 13, 2022
In Welcome to the Forum
Ther the most "class" or the Country Email List most "ethnic" leaders had a common position (for or against) against Correa. Just an example. Carlos Viteri, a renowned Country Email List Amazonian indigenous intellectual, a native of Sarayacu, imbued with a strong ethnic discourse, became a militant of Correismo. The community of his origin Country Email List enjoys worldwide fame for its radical opposition to oil exploitation in his territory since the 1980s. Viteri, however, was Country Email List the parliamentarian in charge of making the report that made oil exploitation in Yasuní viable in 2013. There is, therefore, no evidence that the social or generational changes or the conflict with Correa are due to an Country Email List accentuation of the "ethnicist" character of the movement. Ethnic and class trends continue to coexist and mutate within it. The popular uprising of October 2019 , for example , had an essentially Country Email List economic agenda and the leadership of Leonidas Iza, a Kichwa leader from the province of Cotopaxi, known for the "classist" emphasis of your schedule. The outline of the Country Email List economic program that, under the leadership of Conaie, was developed in the months after that uprising, takes up all the issues of a redistributive agenda. Yaku Pérez was the most visible leader of the internal tendencies that were most radically opposed to the Correa government. The reason is quite simple. Leader Country Email List of the rural organization of an area of ​​the southern Sierra with a relatively recent process of miscegenation (two generations), the threat of a mining concession in his territory brought him closer to Conaie, which had a long history of opposition to extractive activities, especially in the Amazon. Pérez became president of the mountain branch of Conaie, the Ecuarunari, the largest Country Email List indigenous organization in the country. Later, as prefect-elect, he fought for a popular referendum that would ban all large-scale metal mining in the province of Azuay. Although the Constitutional Court denied his.
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